Ciao from Venice! This week I’m headed to Peschiera del Garda in Verona where the Italian Fundraising Association is hosting its annual Festival di Fundraising conference.
It’s not all pasta, pizza and Limoncello in Italy.
It is the third biggest fundraising market in Europe after the UK and Germany. Italians generously donated €9.1m in 2017. The UK raised approximately €25m and Germany €24m. However, Italians are cautious. According to the latest Edelman Trust Barometer, trust in NGOs are declining and Italy is not immune.
Despite this lack of trust, there is legacy potential in Italy. Here’s why:
What does this all mean? If you are a legacy fundraiser in Italy or you are looking into starting a legacy program, you should first work very hard across your organization to build trust with your donors. For instance, consider using different channels to offer value to your donors so they know you are worthy of their gifts. Once you have built that trust, they will be more open to the idea of leaving a gift in their will.
Got questions about the Italian fundraising market? Or legacies in Italy? Or you need a recipe for the best pasta with sugo di pomodoro? Write me in the comments section.